Get the Roadmap for Your Life

Are you guided to unlock your true potential?

  • Do you want to understand why you do what you do and stop repeating patterns?

  • Do you want to know what drives you in love, money, family and friendships?

  • Are you ready to see the big picture of your life and have it all make sense?

The 9-week, Star School Life Purpose Package may be right for you if…

  • Want to make sense of your life – past, present, and future

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Already know your patterns of self-sabotage and want to know how transmute your shadow into light

  • Have major life choices in front of you and want to know what will work best for you

  • Want to understand why certain people impact you the way they do and the reason they’re in your life. (The Scholar Package with all three classes is HIGHLY recommended to answer this question.)

  • You love online quizzes, personality tests, and digging deeper into what makes you uniquely YOU.

  • Resonate with the way I read the stars on the YouTube channel and want to see your stars the way I do. (Perfect for both novice and intermediate astrologers.)

Whether you know some astrology or you’re a beginner, if you want The Blueprint for your life… So you can stop repeating cycles and experience more love and success…

Get the Star School Life Purpose Package

Value $321 | You pay $280

"I saw my instincts were right!"

There was so much information and so much I appreciated about the class! I'm glad there's lifetime access because it's going to take me a while to get through. Because of that, I wasn't rushed and will be able to access and can use the info for years to come! The class also helped me see my instincts were right, backed up in the real world, even currently. My mind and society are just out trying to cause drama and heartache. I appreciate the reinforcement that astrology is a reflection of energies and not predictions. I learned something in every single class.


Value $321 | You pay $280

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

In Star School 101, you’ll learn the basics and more:

  • The signs and planet placements and what they mean

  • How to understand the conversations between planets (“aspects”)

  • Timing and transits, how to “predict” what’s coming energetically

  • The complexity of planetary positions and how their energies create harmony or tension

  • Interpreting planets in houses and aspects in the natal chart

  • Who you and your counterpart are beyond your sun moon and rising signs

  • Why you both are the way you are when it comes to love, communication, money, kids, and more…

Then, in Star School 301, you'll discover...

  • The central lesson of your lifetime so you can work with it instead of feeling like life is "complicated"

  • How your most important relationships and life events help you learn this lesson

  • The seasons of evolution and change in your life

  • When important events may happen and important people may enter (or exit) your life

  • Nodal synastry and the interplay between your nodes and other people’s nodes and planets to make it easier to understand your connections

  • The best way to stop repeating cycles in your life (and which cycles you are most likely to repeat)

Star School Life Purpose Package (Value $321)

Class Times and Dates

Star School 101: Astro Basics ($144)

All pre-recorded classes are immediately available. 

Class 1 -- Houses, Signs Planets
Class 2 -- Aspects and the 6 Axis of the Zodiac Wheel
Class 3 -- Interpreting Your Natal Chart: Know Who You Are
Class 4 -- Interpreting Transits: Know the Seasons You're In

Bonus live Office Hours (Q & A) for ALL Star-Schoolers (any level) are held on FRIDAYS 2:00pm -- 4:00pm ET on the following dates

January 27
February 3
February 24
March 3

Star School 301: North Node Mastery ($177)

All pre-recorded classes are delivered Mondays

March 6 -- What are the Nodes of The Moon
March 13 -- North Node Through the Houses
Mach 20 -- Nodal Transits (Seasons of Your Life)
March 27 -- The Planets and The Nodes (Major Events and Themes of Your Life)
April 3 -- Nodal Synastry (Why Them?) 

All live Office Hours for 301 are Q & A sessions on SATURDAYS 11:00am -- 1:00pm ET on the following dates

March 11
March 18
March 25
April 1
April 8

Your Courses Include

  • Nine 45-60 minute classes

    All pre-recorded classes are delivered on Mondayshand

  • Nine 120-minute Office Hours

    Live Office Hours sessions (all levels) provide time for Q&A discussion about the material

  • 2 digital workbooks

    40+ pages of insight into your own chart and twin connection

  • Lifetime Access

    Listen WHENEVER you're ready. Now, or in the future.


Value $321 | You pay $280

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

"Astrology is part of my spiritual path and mission"

Star School taught me that I have barely scratched the surface of astrology and I am beginning to understand that this is a part of my spiritual path and mission. The more I learn the more I want to dive even deeper into it. I learned a lot about how all the planetary aspects, and houses work together. This is something I didn't understand at all before. I also learned a lot more about the way the planets work together through the planetary aspects. This is what I find the most challenging but also what I want to learn more about.

Compare & SAVE

The most cost-effective way to work together

1-hour Twin Flame reading with me
1-hour Personal reading with me
Star School 101 & 301 sold separately
$144 + $177 = $321
Star School Life Purpose Package
- 9 classes
- 8 Office Hours
- Over 24 hours with me
- 40+ pages of digital workbook to make the class personal

Free Gift for the First 15

Act NOW, bonus spots will go FAST

  • How to Master Your Chiron Wound Workshop FREE

    This best-selling 4.5 hour workshop details how to find and master your Chiron, the "wounded healer" in your chart. The mythology, light and shadow of Chiron are covered. You'll also learn how to heal your personal Chiron wound so you can operate in Chiron's leadership in your life. Workshop comes with handouts to identify your Chiron wound based on house and sign.

  • Bonus Material

    The bonus workshop is a $77 value. The guide value is $25. Total bonus value is $102. Both are yours FREE as one of the first 30 students to enroll in the Star School Life Purpose Package.

  • Guide to Retrograde Planets FREE

    This multi-page guide details the meaning for each planet in retrograde motion. This guide will illuminate how to use retrograde planetary energy for your benefit so you don't have to fear retrogrades. You'll also discover what you can do and what you should avoid during each type of planetary retrograde.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I know a little bit of astrology and only want to do the 301 session? Will I be able to understand it?

    The 301 North Node Mastery course will be confusing if you don’t have a full grasp on basic astrology. In particular, it’s recommended you are more than familiar with the meanings of signs, houses, sign and house rulers, planets, aspects, and transits for this course to serve you well. It’s best to enroll in the Life Purpose Package or Star School Scholar Package if you’re familiar with astrology but don’t know these basics “by heart.” The foundational concepts will not be reviewed in the 301 course.

  • How long is each class? How long are the Q & A Office Hours?

    Each pre-recorded class is roughly 45-60 minutes. Live Office hours are 120 minutes and are live interaction opportunities where we can look at sample charts and discuss the material presented for the course.

  • When are the pre-recorded classes delivered and what time are Office Hours?

    Each pre-recorded class is delivered on Mondays. Live Office Hours for Star School 101 and 301 vary. Please see the individual class schedules. Note: Office Hours vary to allow maximum participation across multiple time zones.

  • What if I can’t attend Office Hours?

    The option to submit written Qs before live Office Hours is available within the course platform. Written Qs will be answered during the live Office Hours sessions. Recordings of every Office Hours session will be available 24 hours after the live session so you may listen to the answer at a time that works for your schedule.

  • I don’t have astrology software, do I need to get some?

    You don’t have to, you can create charts free on my site or from the internet. However, I strongly recommend downloading the free version of Time Passages Application from Astrograph for your mobile device (available for iOS, Android) for these courses. Though it has some limitations, it’s a wonderful application for beginners and will be the application used for all three Star School courses. The free version is only available for mobile devices.

  • Will you offer this again?

    The last time I offered Star School with live Office Hours was 2020. If you want to learn this information now, I wouldn't recommend waiting. As of now, it is not scheduled to be offered at a future date and time.

  • Do you practice Tropical or Sidereal astrology? Which house systems will you use?

    All videos on the YouTube channel and content for Star School are based on Tropical Astrology, using the Placidus House System. If you practice a different house system or Sidereal Astrology, yet find the astrological content shared on the YouTube channel resonates for you, you are still welcomed to join. These courses will give you an additional perspective that you may find useful to incorporate as it suits you.

  • If I sign up for only one course now, can I have the package price later?

    Unfortunately, no. If you decide to get the other classes at a later date, they will be the full price. If you want to pay the lower price, the only way to do that is to purchase one of the packages below.

  • Will I be able to read for others after taking this course?

    This course was designed to help you deeply understand yourself and your loved one. It is not a certification course, and does not provide the means to prepare you to read for others. It will provide everything you need to understand your chart through the lens of your lived experiences.

Get Star School 101 or 301 separately

No Bonuses

  • $144.00

    OLD Star School 101 with K Moon: Astrology Basics

    Get my 4-class, foundational astrology course as a stand-alone. Interpret your and your loved ones' charts in 4 short classes.
  • $177.00

    OLD Star School 301 with K Moon: North Node Mastery

    Get my 5-class, advanced course as a stand-alone. Must know basic astrology to understand this course.

Get the Star School Life Purpose Package Now

Value $321 | You pay $280

"This is my 6th astrology course and it finally clicked!"

I loved the Star School workbook! By completing the workbook it brought each individual piece into focus and then built on putting the pieces together. This is my 6th astrology course and it finally all clicked! I especially like that instead of just giving us definitions of what something "should" be- you encourage the use of intuition which helps when typical definition doesn't seem to fit. Most classes focus on tons of definitions and information about what everything means and I like how you give the right amount of information and then have us dive in on the doing part. The lightbulb finally clicked on with your class, I can't thank you enough! I can't wait for the next one!!!!

Get the Lifetime Access to the Life Purpose Package

while you can

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds