Create Your Union in 10 Weeks
Classes start February 8, 12pm ET. Schedule and FAQs below.
The Union Workshop
is your next step if...
You have a strong intuitive knowing that you’re “meant to be" together
You keep circling in the same patterns with your person
"Manifesting" your connection brings up mixed feelings and mixed results
The connection has challenged your faith in Divine Will and Divine Timing
If your connection feels "stuck..."
There are 4 ways the Union Workshop will help you move forward:
Get the TRUTH about how we recreate our own cycles of separation through mirroring wounds and triggers
Know WHY people with more “issues” than you are already in Union, even though you’ve worked on healing your wounds, attachment issues and limerence; there’s a reason why you’re in separation and something you can do about it
ESCAPE the TRAP of clearing past life after past life (there is ONE thing you MUST do to get out of the past-life-clearing-cycle and no one is talking about it)
BREAK FREE from never-ending-healing with no having (yes, healing is needed, AND it can LOCK IN SEPARATION; in this workshop you’ll learn how to get free)
"My SP is prioritizing us and and my feelings now."

In the Union Workshop, you'll learn:
Strategy for changing your love situation permanently
If you’ve looped or been locked out of what you want in love, learning the practices taught in this workshop and using them regularly can and will change ALL of that, once and for all.
How to rewrite the script for your relationship dynamic
If you think people don’t change, they can and they do. Even the mountains move. But how do you create movement when there has been gridlock? You’ll learn the quantum mechanics of transforming a relationship pattern.
Creating your Union
CONTROVERSIAL: if you’ve been “leaving it up to the divine” and counting on “divine timing” to deliver your union…this will be your fork in the road. You can continue to “hope” or you can create it. The choice is yours. This workshop will show you how.
Your personal power in partnership with The Divine / God
There is God within you that endows you with power to change the world around you. In this workshop you’ll learn how to tap into God within you so you never feel at the mercy of circumstances again.
The secret design of this dimension and your Divinely-given authority over it
If you’ve felt powerless with manifestation or like your prayers have fallen on deaf ears, this is where that ends. Once you know the lock-and-key fit between your made-in-The Divine's-image design and the world, you’ll be able to move people, situations, and places toward highest timelines.
A new relationship and understanding of the Divine /God
If you were introduced to God as a dictating, vengeful, contradicting, "angry man in the sky" who hates women, happiness, and love, and only rewards those who suffer for him, then this workshop is for you. You’ll get a new understanding about the truth of God and how “on your side” the divine, the universe and this Earth is. Believe it or not, God wants you to have what you want.
The hidden secret to changing your reality: your body
The #1 reason people get stuck in systems that repeat or stall in love and every other area has to do with the way our body and the third dimension are designed. In this workshop you’ll learn techniques to bridge the gap between mind, body, spirit and the third dimension so you can get your 3D to catch up with your 5D.
"I started to be chosen at work and in love."

The Union Workshop is designed to close the GAP between the 3D and 5D...
5D Union comes from HEALING. 3D Union comes from FAITH:
Settling for a 5D Union with no 3D manifestation is not the design of your connection. It took too much to set up your meeting. This workshop will help you get beyond healing and step into having your Union.
The tools you'll learn in this workshop will challenge you. They WILL move your connection forward. If getting on the same page in the 3D has been hard, this is where the heartbreak and yearning stop.
This workshop will teach you the foundational techniques Jesus taught his disciples that gave them the ability to perform miracles through the power of God within. Knowing this will give you the ultimate ability to create what you want, when you want.
The tools you'll learn in this workshop will elevate your mind and emotions. These tools will also move your connection forward rather than backwards. If in-and-out cycles have been a problem for you, this is where you break free.
If your love story is more than the average love -- it's is a soulmate, twin flame or divine counterpart connection -- the Union Workshop is the missing piece.
Workshop Sessions
All sessions are held on SATURDAYS at 12pmET (Miami, FL time)
[FEB 8] Orientation: New language for a new life
[FEB 15] Breaking up with "The Old": Deleting Your Relationship Identities, Patterns, and Paradigms
[FEB 22] Redefining "God": Not your church's / temple's / synagogue's "God"
[MAR 1] Redefining "Yourself": Meeting god-within
[MAR 8] Q & A Week 1
[MAR 15] How it Works Pt 1: Creating your heart's desire

Get the tools to create your Union
Separation does NOT have to be your story
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If you've felt that nothing compares to this love...
The Union Workshop is already calling your name, especially if...
You've tried dating someone else but this thing with this person won’t go away
It’s been years apart or with no communication and you can’t shake them, they keep appearing in your dreams, they’re your first thought when you wake up and the last thought when you go to sleep
You’ve tried walking away, only for you and them to snap back together like a rubber band and get stuck in the same rut
You’ve been with others before and since, and nothing has been this deep, this real, or this life changing
You’ve known each other a while, and any movement forward is followed by movement backwards
Your connection has plateaued. You know there is more. They know there is more. But you feel like you can't get past where you are now.
Who this workshop will benefit...
You're willing to build a new relationship with The Divine, yourself, and your faith when it comes to love.
Have a deep love interest that seems to circle but never land or is stuck (including LGBTQIA + peeps!)
You can make time to do the weekly homework assignments and daily self-work (even if you do the work later in the year). Weekly homework is an hour or less unless you prefer to spend more time. Daily self-work will take 15-30 minutes minimum. Consistency will trump intensity.
Your spiritual toolbox is inclusive. ALL faiths are welcome. If you want to learn the metaphysical secrets of the Bible and hidden teachings of Jesus, this is for you.
You or your person is under the age of 21.
Your person has used legal measures to sever all contact, i.e a restraining order OR your connection with them could be considered by authorities as “stalking.”
Past "Church Trauma" makes it impossible to have any relationship with God, Jesus or the metaphysical teachings in the Bible. ALL faiths are welcome. The foundational teachings in this workshop are Biblically-based about your Divinely-given authority, power, and creative abilities. They’re brought to life by your willingness to have a positive relationship with God, Jesus, and the teachings. If past church-hurt has made it impossible to define your own relationship, OUTSIDE of “The Church,” your results from this workshop will be minimal.
You have a religious relationship with God and Jesus, mediated by “The Church.” If you’ve identified as a lifelong Christian, but have strong moral challenges with the teachings of Neville Goddard, Joyce Meyer, Liberation Theology or “Prosperity Gospel” teachings as a whole, you’ll find the teachings in this workshop confronting and may struggle to fully participate.
"I knew in my heart, our Union was meant to be. He finally proposed."

FAQs about joining the Union Workshop
When are the sessions held?
All sessions are held on Saturdays at 12pm ET. (Miami, FL time, please use a time zone converter to check your local time.)
What if I haven’t met my twin flame / soulmate / Divine Counterpart? Can I still join?
Yes, you can still join. Rumania has worked with many people who do not know who their person is, and their person has manifested through working with her.
What if me / my twin is married or in a different committed relationship?
Both Rumania and I are in agreement that we will not act as your moral compass for your situation. If you are guided to participate, you are welcome here. Trust your intuition about your situation and whether or not this is right for you.
What if I’m LGBTQIA+?
You can join! Who you love is who you love and we don’t judge or police. The work is focused on you, your relationship with God, and your relationship to love and connection. We’re focused on you aligning with your power in love and life, not who you’re loving.
What if I’m Buddhist? Hindu? Episcopalian? Muslim? Jewish? Etc.?
You can join and identify as ANY religious denomination. The foundational teachings in this workshop will be in alignment with what’s taught in the Bible about your God-given authority, power, and creative abilities. They are brought to life by your willingness to have a positive relationship with God, Jesus, and the teachings. If you’re not willing to define your own relationship, OUTSIDE of “The Church,” your results from this workshop will be minimal.
What if I don’t believe in “God” or I’m Atheist or Agnostic?
You’re going to have a hard time with the core teachings in this program without a foundational belief in a higher power. It doesn’t have to be what you were taught about God; in this workshop, you can create a clean slate with The Divine. But the foundation of this workshop’s teaching is based on your abilities as “created in God’s image,” and thus being endowed with the same power. Without a general belief in God, you’ll struggle to participate or get the benefits of this program.
Will classes be recorded if the time doesn't work for my schedule?
Yes. All classes will be recorded so you can listen when it works for you.
How long do I get access to the material?
You get lifetime access.
Where will sessions be held?
All sessions are held live on Zoom so you can join from anywhere in the world by conference call or internet.
We're already in a relationship, but we have challenges. Will this help?
Yes. If you are already in Union with your counterpart, you'll find that what you learn in the Union Workshop will help you create more of what you want to experience. Whether it's harmony, communication, respect, new jobs, living together, etc., this workshop will teach you how to be in the driver's seat in your connection so you can live a new story.
I've already done a lot of Neville Goddard and SP Manifestation work. Should I still join?
Yes! You'll love the Union Workshop because it will touch on complementary concepts that you already have a foundation for in a completely different way. In fact, having this foundation will accelerate your results. Further, if you've been stuck at a plateau where you understand the concepts intellectually but you're still not seeing your manifestation, this workshop will help you break through.
I'm focused on Union with community / mission / self / The Divine. Will this help with those?
Yes. The Union Workshop will help you cultivate ANY kind of Union you're focused on. While the conversation will mainly center around Union with a counterpart, the tools work for every format of Union. You'll find it especially helpful if you're working on creating a more loving understanding of God and more harmonious relationships with the people you love (family, friends, coworkers, etc.)
Can I pay with PayPal an Amazon gift card, or some other way that's not on your check-out page?
No. The only payment options available for this workshop are on the checkout page. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you're ready to create your Union through FAITH
...and release cycles of healing, join NOW
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"Even though the divorce was finalized, I just kept believing: we were going to be together again."

This workshop picks up where manifestation techniques leave off
...and is exactly what you need if:
You’ve attempted to manifest this connection, but it just felt like you were trying to force someone to love you
You can manifest just about anything you want, except this connection
You’ve attempted to manifest union, but it feels like nothing works or it backfires
You’ve tried traditional “twin flame advice” and it hasn’t worked for your connection, if anything, it’s delayed things or made them harder
You've tried a lot in the world of "healing" and "manifestation" and it still feels like something hasn't clicked yet or there's one more thing to learn
If this connection has challenged your belief in love and The Divine...
And the benevolence of the universe, the Union Workshop can help you, especially if:
You’ve felt powerless leaving things up to “divine timing” or up to the divine
You’ve felt failed by love, by God, and wanted to give up on everything
You’ve had an estranged connection with God or a God concept because of things you’ve been through with people who are “religious”
You’ve studied Neville Goddard, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and more to understand how creation works in an effort to manifest Union but it still feels like something is missing
"We got married a couple years ago and I’m the happiest I’ve been."

Get access to your God-given power
and change your life and relationships for the better TODAY
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